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ProducT Forum Details
Title Great water tint
Posted by nordlicht89 (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2017-07-29 00:25:26
  • Recommend 4 Recommend
  • Views 829

It is no wonder this product is one of the most popular ones among the broad variety Etude House has to offer in terms of lip tints so it's hard to say something that hasn't been said already so I will just sum up my experience using this product. I got myself the cherryade shade:

-The watery texture is not only soft but also doesn't slip away from your lips. It DOES dye them. It doesn't feel heavy or plastic like, it is as if you weren't wearing anything on your lips.

-Considering the previous item, if you want a gradient effect then don't stretch your lips when applying it, now if you want an uniform effect, stretch them and apply slowly drawing straight lines back and forth. With one or two small drops it should be more than enough.

-It dries quickly and by quickly I mean the moment it touches your lips it stays there

-If you happen to have dry lips I suggest the opposite of what it's usually suggested when it comes to using tints, that is use a bit of chapstick or lip balm after applying the product on your lips and not before or else the product will not adjust adequately to your lips.

-Last but not least: the price is super affordable considering the amount of product you get for it that means: pocketfriendly all the way


-The container is made of glass so be careful with it because if you drop it it will most likely break. I know this is way too obvious but if you happen to be a bit clumsy like I am, taking these things into account is not a minor detail



Attachment DSC_0005.JPG , DSC_0004.JPG
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