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Title Never going to repurchase this...
Posted by domi97 (ip:)
  • Rate 2points  
  • Date 2020-02-19 20:45:29
  • Recommend 1 Recommend
  • Views 250

I have mixed feeling about this mask pack... I just don't know man, I've never experienced a wash off pack like this.

A few months ago I discovered the brand B&SOAP while I was scrolling through here on JOLSE. They happen to have wash off packs, and I love wash of pack because of the SKINFOOD ones. So I thought why not try this out and see if it can replace the SKINFOOD one, after I finished the SKINFOOD wash off pack I decided to use this wash off pack. Well it was not something I expected it to be, in the picture it looked fluffy. But that was not the case...

When I tried to scoop out some of the product and applying it on my face, it really felt like glue. It was so hard to even spread it out, and because of the glue feeling I had to use a lot of the product for just one time. So I emptied the product way to early for my feeling, I just had to it was impossible to even apply a thin layer of it.

This pack doesn't have any scent, so that's on the plus side. And it reminded my of mint chocolate chip ice cream, it totally looked like that. I left the pack on for around 10 minutes, and after those 10 minutes you have to wash it off... Well, you will waste a lot of water because washing it off was so hard. I kept on washing my face with water and there would still be some mask left somewhere on my face. Like, bruh...

After I washed it off my skin didn't felt dried out, and it my face felt soft. It did also clean my pores well, so it did what it was supposed to do.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend it and never purchase this again. It was quite a hassle everytime to apply the mask and even washing it off...

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